NT & RP Journal
PHOTON BEAM MODELING: A Comparative Study of PRIMO and GATE Simulation Toolkits for the TrueBeam STx Linac
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Vol. XXXIX, No. 1, Pp. 1-87
March 2024
UDC 621.039+614.876:504.06
ISSN 1451-3994

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Pages: 58-65

Hong Lam Pham, Tien Dung Phan, Thi Hoang Anh Le, and Quang Trung Pham


This study com pares the PRIMO and GATE Monte Carlo sim u la tion toolkits for mod el ing pho ton beams from a TrueBeam STx Linac used in ra di a tion ther apy. Var i ous beam con fig u - ra tions were eval u ated against Varian's Golden Beam Data us ing the Gamma In dex method. Both toolkits dem on strated good agree ment over all, with GATE gen er ally achiev ing higher gamma pass rates for per cent depth dose curves than PRIMO.

Key words: photon beam, TrueBeam STx, Monte Carlo simulation, GATE, PRIMO


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