XXXVII, No. 1, Pp. 1-89
March 2022
UDC 621.039+614.876:504.06
ISSN 1451-3994
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Pages: 65-77
Authors: Kristina S. Kalkan, Sofija M. Forkapić, Slobodan B. Marković, Kristina I. Bikit, Radislav S. Tošić, Dušan S. Mrđa, and Nikola M. Milentijević
This paper is dealing with soil erosion assessment using two different approaches: nuclear model and erosion potential method, also known as Gavrilovic's method. Complex valley systems on Titel Loess Plateau were selected for investigation. Radiocaesium is favored in many studies as an optimal erosion tracer due to its relatively long half-life, negligible renewal in the environment and strongly binding ability onto soil particles. The use of gamma-spectrometry in environmental testing laboratories acts as a precise and fast measurement technique for determination of 137Cs activity concentrations, without the need for complicate preparation of samples. Annual erosion and deposition rates were estimated according to three conversion models for uncultivated land: the profile distribution model with two years of dominant fallout of 137Cs (1963 and 1986) and the diffusion and migration model using WALLING software. The applied nuclear models were validated by comparison with erosion potential model which is the most relevant empirical model for erosion processes in torrent valleys. The obtained results indicate a good agreement with overall low values of average annual soil erosion rates on all soil profiles in the investigated area. Correlation analysis has determined the different influence of slope, terrain curvature, and vegetation index on the erosion models.
Key words: hanging valley, soil erosion, radiocaesium, gamma-spectrometry, Gavrilovic's method, Titel Loess Plateau