XXXVI, No. 1, Pp. 1-106
March 2021
UDC 621.039+614.876:504.06
ISSN 1451-3994
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Pages: 12-17
Authors: Sergei I. Ivannikov, Nikita S. Markin, and Veniamin V. Zheleznov
A determination option for 238U in solutions by the neutron activation analysis was investigated. A radionuclide treatment based on 252Cf was used as a neutron source. The limit for the determination of uranium using thermal neutrons of 0.1 mgL-1 was determined within the research framework. With the help of the preliminary concentration of the sample via the evaporation method, it is possible to further reduce the detection limit by 2-5 times. It is defined that the optimal time for measuring the induced activity of the sample when working with a short-life isotope of 239U, is 30 minutes. The influence of the effects of scattering and self-absorption of gamma radiation of the uranium line 74.6 keV on the results of the neutron activation analysis was determined. The studies conducted made it possible to determine uranium by the neutron activation analysis method in solutions of various compositions, in a wide range of concentrations.
Key words: natural uranium in solution, neutron activation analysis, gamma spectrometry, detection limit