XXIX, No. 4, Pp. 253-331
December 2014
UDC 621.039+614.876:504.06
ISSN 1451-3994
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Pages: 268-273
Authors: Dušan P. Nikezić, Boris B. Lončar, Zoran J. Gršić, and Slavko D. Dimović
This paper presents an algorithm for the calculation of internal and external doses as an integral part of the mathematical model of atmospheric dispersion. The air pollution dispersion model is used on average annual activity concentration in the air, deposition on soil and field of total annual dose to a hypothetical resident contaminated by air in the vicinity of a nuclear reactor. The results of modeling were compared with values from an IAEA publication for a given scenario of radionuclide emission to the atmospheric boundary layer. Due to small differences in the results, compared to the IAEA recommended model, the model presented in the paper can be used as a basis for this type of analysis.
Key words:
radionuclide, air, dispersion, air pollution dispersion model, dose, nuclear reactor