Pages: 101-109
Authors: Sotiria M. A. Papandreou, Marilia I. Savva, Konstantinos L. Karfopoulos, Dimitrios J. Karangelos, Marios J. Anagnostakis, Simos E. Simopoulos
The activity concentration of 7Be in atmospheric aerosol can exhibit seasonal variations due to various physical processes taking place in the troposphere and stratosphere, as well as due to solar activity. An investigation of these variations has been carried out at the Nuclear Engi-neering Department of the National Technical University of Athens over a two year period (3/2008-4/2010). In the framework of this study, sampling and analysis methods were ap-propriately selected to allow for the observation of short-term 7Be air activity concentration variations, using a 4-hour sampling interval, while taking in consideration type A and type B uncertainties introduced in the measurements. In order to study the role of precipitation in surface air 7Be activity concentration variations, a procedure for collecting and analyzing rainwater was developed. The techniques used in the present study allowed for the observa- tion of seasonal and diurnal 7Be concentration variations, as well as correlations between 7Be activity concentration and the metereological parameters of air temperature and relative hu-midity.